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Feed Control PS-TFS-01

The PS-TFS-01 is a programmable feed control system, which supersedes every function of an Engine control box. It can be used for every usual engine sizes. It is equipped with a LCD-Display with very few funktion keys for easy operating. The following programms are selectable:
- timeswitch menu with 9 daily start times
- sensor shunting time
- overrun time
- programm for night light
- alarm output
- connections for full and empty sensor
- recordingofoperatinghours


Engine Control Box

The engine control boxes of PS-System offer a simple and inexpensive control of the chain conveyor systems. They are equipped with a manual-0-auto switch, motor protection relays, reset functions, analog switches, sensor bridge and connection for a sensor and a safety switch. The motor control boxes are available for all common drive sizes.



Sensors for the full signal or low level control. PS system offers for each control to the right sensor technology. Moreover the correct installation materials are also available for any installation.


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